Origami Paper Storage Pocket Instructions

Origami Paper Storage Pocket Paper Kawaii 01
Origami Paper Storage Pocket Paper Kawaii 04

If you have some origami paper floating around without a storage box then it can get damaged and bent very easily.

Here is how to make an origami paper storage pocket. All you need is some rectangular paper. You can use gift wrap, butchers paper, craft paper – that come in big rolls – newspaper, or other larger paper to make these easy envelopes.

You could also use these if you sell origami paper, you could design your own branded paper packaging.

Some other neat uses for this is are as a CD sleeve, a small one for seeds or spices, make a lot and keep your cables coiled up in them or keep your photos in them. If you have a jewellery shop you could use them to package your necklaces, earrings, bracelets or bangles.

Level: ★★☆☆☆
Copyright: Appears to be a variation of the traditional origami square letterfold.

You will need:

· 1 sheet of rectangular paper such as A4 or letter paper

Mine is 21 x 29.7 (A4)

It will fit small paper that is about 8 – 10 cm.

If you want to fit in some paper that is 15 x 15cm, start with paper that is 47.6 x 34 cm

The way to work out how big your paper needs to be – take the width of your paper (that will go in the pocket) let say 20 cm.

Add 1 – 2 cm (depending on how many sheets there will be)
Now do this sum using your number. (22)
22 x 2.8 = 61.6
22 x 2 = 44

So you would need paper that is 61.6 x 44 cm

Where to get paper this big? You could use wrapping paper, newspaper, butchers paper or brown paper for parcels.

A Photo Tutorial is available on the Origami Photo Tutorials page.

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